Sole KIDs tax ID is 81-5144570
The IRS tax exemption ID (DLN) is 26053683005617
WE ARE EXCITED to open up a SoleKIDs running program in Pomeroy. Washington. We love serving small communities!!! Our goal is to raise $5000 during the month of September. Each $50 donated will provide one scholarship to a Pomeroy runner as well as put on a 5K celebration race that welcomes the entire community. Runners get a swag bag, race shirt, race medal and entry into the 5K!!!
All contributions to Sole KIDs are TAX DEDUCTIBLE under section 170 of the IRS Code. Sole KIDs is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.
All donors will receive a “Donation Receipt” for tax purposes once each donation has been processed.
THANK YOU for your support of Sole KIDs, INC.
You can also find us on VENMO at… www.venmo.com/SoleKIDs