Coach Reed’s Answers

Here are some tips to help with getting SoleKIDs runners off to a good start.

  • Please send your runner’s teacher a note letting them know of a change in school dismissal routines.
  • Practice will start around dismissal time each day.  We will hold practices twice/week.
  • Sometimes, your coach will cancel practice due to inclement weather. Sometimes, your coach will have them run in the rain.. (Coach Jon). Regardless, please do, or let us know what would be best for your individual runner.
  • You are ALWAYS welcome at each and every practice with your runner. Actually, we prefer that you’re there as well!!!
  • Runners will all get a snack each day after school.  Snacks are things like goldfish crackers, granola bars, fruit snacks, and the like. If your child has an allergy, we have alternative snacks available for them.
  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remind your runner to bring running clothes to practice! There is enough time from the end of school to the beginning of practice to change into something else. Running clothes include: athletic shoes, shorts, t-shirt, and sweats. It is always a good idea to have sweats, just in case it is cold. It is much easier to take them off than to be cold without them.
  • As part of the program, runners receive a backpack and water bottle in the first two weeks. The bag is great for packing running clothes, and the water bottle is great for staying hydrated throughout the day. These are the ONLY ones they will receive, so please mark them with your runner’s name when they get home. Please encourage your runner to take care of them.
  • Practice will end approx 1 – 1 1/2 hours after dismissal. Plan on picking your runner up at the front of the school. If they are a walker/bike rider/scooter professional, they can get home that way.
  • Do I need to get ready to run the race as well… YES, your SoleKIDs runner registration includes a “Sponsor” runner entry. You don’t need to sign anyone else up or pay any additional fees. Just go buy yourself a good pair of running shoes and get ready for your 5K as well!!!
  • Dismissals are chaotic for coaches. While the runners usually know how they go home, we often do not. If you have any concern with ensuring your runner dismisses the right way, please let us know!!!