THE COURSE: The race will begin and end at Ann Morrison Park just near the Old Timer’s shelter in downtown Boise. Click HERE for a Google Map to the location and/or directions. Click HERE to see the course. The runners will run one loop of this course!
DATE: Saturday, May 14th
LAST PRACTICE: Runners will receive ONE bib and4 safety pins. Please note that the bib will be for the SoleKIDs participant (it’ll have a chip).. When placing the bib on the shirt, please place the bib below the SoleKIDs logo on the runner’s race shirt. (It makes our pictures better.)
ARRIVAL TIME: We suggest that you’re at Ann Morrison by 7.45 a.m. in order to avoid the rush. This season your runner will receive a bib the last week of practice. Race morning, coaches will be there to fix any last second details, run through warm-ups, take pictures, and then give instructions for runners to find their starting corrals. At 8:30:00 the race will begin.
PARKING: As always, parking tends to be one of our biggest issues. Parking is “On Your Own.” If you’re early this shouldn’t be an issue. If you’re running a bit late, you may have a challenge finding parking close to the start/finish and may need to walk a short distance. We 100% recommend you park over near Green Acres Boise and take the short walk to the Finish line. And then you can grab a bite to eat after the race. The traffic in Ann Morrison park can get packed and if you’re running late. Please know if you are late, runners will be chip timed so they’ll still have a chance to win an award.
RACE: The race will begin exactly at 8.30 a.m. SoleKIDs runners will have a maximum of 1.5 hours to complete the course. (See more detailed info below.)
VOLUNTEERS: Click HERE and sign-up!! Please know everyone out there is a volunteer. If you see a person in a green vest or SoleKIDs shirt, please feel free to thank them for his/her helping make this possible. There will be volunteers in front of the racers, behind the racers and throughout the racers. We THANK each and every one of you.
MEDICAL ATTENTION: SoleKIDs will have a first aid kits for anyone needing medical attention throughout the course. For any significant injuries, please do not hesitate to dial 911.
ARRIVAL: 7.45 a.m. Suggested time for all runners
WARMUPS : On your own, or with your school team.
HEAD TO START LINE : 8.15 a.m. (Runners will be grouped according to grade level. HOWEVER, the group that will lead is the “Coaches Choice” group.)
START TIMES: 8.30 a.m.
AWARDS: 9.45 a.m. if possible (If you leave, your runner’s award will be delivered to your school.)
FINISH TIMES: Runners will be awarded based on their chip time.
FINISHER’S MEDALS: All SoleKIDs who finish the race will receive a Finisher’s Medal. (Sponsors or additional community runners will not receive a Finisher’s Medal)
OVERALL TROPHIES (3 Male, 3 Female): At 9.45 a.m., the Top 3 Overall Male and Top 3 Overall Females runners will be awarded a trophy. We will be using a CHIP timing system to determine top overall winners. Please note, Overall winners are not eligible for the additional grade level trophy.
GRADE LEVEL TROPHIES: The top male and top female in Pre-K(Top 3), Kindergarten (Top 3), 1st Grade (Top 3), 2nd Grade (Top 3), 3rd Grade (Top 3), 4th Grade (Top 3), 5th Grade (Top 3) and 6th Grade (Top 3) will be awarded a trophy. Please note, the Overall winners (6 runners) will only win an Overall trophy.
SPONSOR RUNNERS: What is a sponsor runner? We ask all parents to provide a “buddy” or “chaperone” runner for your SoleKIDs runner throughout his/her race. SoleKIDs makes every attempt to provide a safe race course, it is your responsibility to ensure they make it safely around the course. While we appreciate all of the sponsors coming out to support your runner, please help your sponsor understand that this will not be his/her “time to shine.” We ask that all sponsors stay with or behind his/her assigned SoleKIDs runner. We will have volunteers on bicycles, runners, and at each intersection and throughout the course but please help them keep an eye out for anything that might pose a safety risk (vehicles backing out of driveways, etc.). If you can’t keep up with your SoleKIDs runner, let them go!! They’ll love beating you to the finish!!!
HAVE FUN: We know the hardest part of running is showing up to the start line. The race is actually more of a victory lap of all the hard work each of the runners have put in. Please help everyone have a wonderful experience by bringing your positive energy and cheering voices with you. If there’s anything we can do, please let us know.
WEATHER: We know how unpredictable this Idaho weather can be…. please be prepared to run in whatever is thrown our way. The race will not be canceled unless weather conditions present a safety/health risk. We WILL run in the rain!!
SUGGESTED CLOTHING: All runners should wear his/her SoleKIDs race shirt!!
COVID – 19 : Please take time to review the latest CDH guidelines at We are happy to provide masks in case you forgot one. We’ll also have hand sanitizing at our kiosks. Please make decisions based upon what you feel is best for your family. Masks are not required during the race per CDH guidelines for mask usage during strenuous activities. Please also be kind and understanding toward other’s families individual and unique circumstances. If you have any additional questions/concerns, please email
QUESTIONS??? On race day, please look for SoleKIDs volunteers. Before race day, send an email to We’ll get those answered and posted to the webpage.
- Will there be extra shirts to purchase at the race? Maybe!! We’ll see if we have any!!
- Can you provide a sponsor runner? Yes – Just let us know!!
- Will someone take pictures? Yes – We’ll be taking pictures and posting to our Facebook page so you can have /share /download them.
- Can we volunteer? Yes – Click HERE.
- Are there any more fees? Sponsor Fees? – NO!!!
- How do you mark the course? – We use flags… follow the flags.
FYI – You deserve a finisher’s medal just for making it down to the bottom of this page and reading all this info!!! Great Job and Thank You!!!